3 Easy Ways to Drink More H2O

It seems like every day there’s a new beauty, weight loss, or fitness hack on the market. And while these new & exciting trends can be fun to try, there’s this little old trick called “drinking more water” that’s been proven to make your life better than you ever imagined…

Not only does drinking plenty of water clear up your skin, but it also helps control your calorie intake, energizes your muscles, balances your bodily fluids, & increases kidney function! That all sounds totally magical, doesn’t it? Knowing this…why don’t we just CHUG, CHUG, CHUG?! Well, maybe it’s because there isn’t a chilled water bottle waiting for us wherever we go, and because we don’t naturally crave the flavourless liquid, & ummmm honestly, we forget because no one is holding us accountable!

And if that’s not enough to make you feel H2O guilty, apparently you are supposed to drink half …